Visiting Downtown Oshawa
Welcome to downtown Oshawa! Whether you consider the heart of the city your home or you're here for a visit, there are many unique opportunities to explore your surroundings and discover the bold, entertaining and energetic feel of #DTOshawa.


Downtown Boundary |
The limits of downtown Oshawa stretch from West to East starting at the Oshawa Creek, encapsulated by the Urban Growth Centre, defined by the Ontario government's Urban Growth Centres in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. In 2021, Plan 20Thirty established an expanded upon the downtown Oshawa boundary to include northern and southern sections of Simcoe Street. All areas within the red outline below are considered downtown Oshawa businesses. Looking to confirm if your business is located within the downtown Oshawa boundary? Reach out [email protected] |
Parking Downtown |
There is plenty of parking in Downtown. Tokens can be purchased for use at parking meters, surface lots and municipal parkades from Service Oshawa located in City Hall and at the Mary St. Parkade, 1 Mary St. N., Oshawa. More information about Downtown Parking. |
DTO: Oshawa's New Visual Identity for Downtown |
DTO, Downtown Oshawa’s new visual brand identify, reflects the qualities that attract residents, businesses, students and visitors to our urban core. DTO represents the strength and vibrancy of our downtown residents and businesses who have built and continue to evolve the area. The DTO visual identity features DTO forms inspired by the area’s bold architecture that provide a flexible and adaptable canvas to showcase the creativity, innovation, and humanity of Downtown Oshawa.
Oshawa Tourism |
Oshawa boasts a rich history and a thriving contemporary scene, with many things to do! Visit Oshawa Tourism to learn more about the incredibly active, unique, creative, and engaging collective of makers, creators, and businesses within our vibrant community. |